The Women's Journal

Clean Green, Save Green, Earn Green

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bethanne_amj18By Bethanne Mitchell

Have you made the switch to live a healthier lifestyle? If you have, I’m sure you are exercising more, drinking more water, and eating more healthy foods. We always want more, however, by having less chemicals in your cleaning products it can lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Can you imagine using a few products and water to do your cleaning? Reducing the amount of chemicals in your cleaning products can lead to less headaches, less eczema, less asthma attacks, and so many other health benefits! If you’re trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, reducing the chemicals that you use in cleaning, doing laundry and your personal care products should be at the top of list of changes to make.

In less than 30 seconds after a product touches your skin it is in your blood stream, therefore, it’s important to really know the products you are using. Read the ingredient listing of the products you’re currently using to do your cleaning; I would be willing to bet that several of those ingredients cause cancer, require ventilation when using, and are harming your body in so many ways. It’s also important to know that only 11 chemicals are banned in the U.S.

I have discovered a company that offers amazing products that are toxic free! H2O at Home was established in 1997 in France, where they banned almost 1,500 chemicals. Not only are the products chemical free, but they will save you time and money. H2O at Home products meet the company’s 3E concept:

Efficient – they reduce your cleaning time by 40% and they do your cleaning jobs quickly and effectively

Eco-friendly – in addition to reducing chemicals, you will also use less paper towels when cleaning

Easy to use – these products are lightweight, durable, and meant to last a long time


For the past four years, I have been using these products with amazing results. My oldest daughter no longer has headaches from the detergents and softeners that were trapped in her clothes. My youngest daughter no longer has eczema and doesn’t struggle with breathing issues during the change in weather. Not only am I cleaning faster but because of the effectiveness of the products I can go longer between cleanings! Our skin is acne free and softer, our clothes are softer, I’m stress free when stains appear on clothes or carpet. Wouldn’t you love to have this experience in your home too?

By now you are probably dying to know how you can get these products into your hands. H2O at Home is available through one of the company’s independent advisors and great news you don’t need to sign up for monthly shipments! One of the benefits is that she becomes your personal shopper – she’ll listen to your cleaning needs and recommend products for you! However, you could also save even more money and get your products for free or at a discount by hosting a party. The best opportunity that H2O at Home offers is the opportunity to have your own business and earn money sharing these products with other people. Make the decision to clean green, contact me to get started!


“I absolutely LOVE my laundry ball, laundry soap and purifying laundry powder! My husband is a trapper and farmer so his clothes are extremely filthy and smelly; I’ve been amazed at how well H2O at Home products clean his clothes. The clothes are stain free, odor free, static free, chemical free yet very soft. It’s awesome what a tiny bit of product can do to his clothes.” – Sondi Rogers

“I LOVE my H2O netepur and All Purpose glove! Red wine spilled on my shirt and beige carpet. Netepur on the shirt and netepur and the glove used on the carpet and all the stains are gone!”  – Marcy Sweigart

“We can’t live without our H2O at Home products! We want to host another party so we can get a 2nd set of products to take to our summer house. We know by having the party we’ll get lots of free products plus everyone should have these items in their home so we want to help spread the word.” – Bill & Betty Arnold

Bethanne Mitchell is an Independent Promoting Group Leader with H2O at Home 

610-780-7252      [email protected] 

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