The Women's Journal

Patient Care Matters: Returning To The Days When You & Your Health Were Valued

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By Dr. David A. Wilderman, PT, DPT, MS, Founder,

Wilderman Physical Therapy

What the heck has happened to patient care?

Yes, times have changed. In the past, medical professionals would spend time with their patients, help them to understand their medical situation, answer all of their questions, explain treatment options, and critically important, put their mind at ease.

Then came the shift in health insurance, where healthcare providers were getting reimbursed less and less from insurance companies, so they had to see more patients, which meant less time with you. This has led to long wait times both in treatment and waiting to be scheduled, causing the deterioration of patient care. I understand the dilemma that other health providers are in, but as my mother used to tell me as a child, “David, just because others do it, doesn’t mean you have to do it, too.”

When I created Wilderman Physical Therapy I had one goal in mind—to provide the ultimate care to my clients by giving them superior value in terms of service, because when most people research anything they generally look at 3 factors: COST, QUALITY, and CONVENIENCE. Too often, individuals will sacrifice at least 1 of these factors in their decision. The problem is that the current trend in health insurance is toward higher co-pays and increasing deductibles. As a result, you are paying for the majority of your care out of pocket, but not getting the best value for your dollar.

I am glad that I listened to my mother back then and I still do. I believe that regardless of the current state of health insurance, patient care should never be compromised.

So, what makes it different for me? For starters, my focus is on individualized treatment in a quiet, private, and relaxed setting—truly a place where you get comfortable as you heal. I only see 1 client at a time. You will have the option to spend 30 or 60 minutes with me, a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, at every appointment, with no time spent with support staff such as aides or technicians. Individualized attention, along with the use of education and client input, significantly helps my clients alleviate their pain and physical impairments. This means fewer appointments, faster healing, and a quicker return to the activities that you love. My goal is to make you even better than you were before your injury.

am a different type of physical therapy practice, and I’m proud of that.

Privacy, personalized attention, and an optimal healing environment are what you can expect. If you’d like to save time with fewer visits, enjoy a faster recovery, and receive highly personalized 1-on-1 treatment from a Doctor of Physical Therapy, look no further than Wilderman Physical Therapy.

Can you really put a value on peace of mind?

Dr. David A. Wilderman, PT, DPT, MS, founder of Wilderman Physical Therapy was born and raised in N. Wilmington. After graduating from Wilmington Friends School, he went on to receive a BA in psychology/biology from the University of Delaware, which prompted him to pursue a career in Physical Therapy. He graduated with a Master’s of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Arcadia University and a Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy from Boston University.

Dr. Wilderman founded Wilderman Physical Therapy in order to practice physical therapy in a setting that embodies his philosophy of treatment. He believes in the use of education, individualized attention, and client input in order to help his clients alleviate their pain and physical impairments without the use of pain killers. 


“ ‘Dr. Dave’ is the ONLY Doctor I recommend for physical therapy and for back pain, as his motto is to try to keep you pain-free without the use of opiates. He uses the best and newest CUTTING-edge technologies to manage your pain and FIX you! HIGHLY recommend.”   ~ Amy W.

“I would highly recommend Dr. David Wilderman. No one else offers One-on-One patient care anymore and this is what makes his practice unique and a stand out among other physical therapists.”   ~ Nadia S.

Until next issue, to your wellness and health!