The Women's Journal

Change Your Fate!

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Lisa Torbert – MS, CADC, Owner, QRA Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, pH Testing, Nutritional Healing


Do You Suffer From:  heathers_holistic_amj15_book

  • Night sweats/Hot Flashes
  • Bloating
  • Fuzzy Thinking
  • Mood Swings
  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Weight Gain
  • Digestive Problems

Women all know that there are burdens to bear when it comes to our gender. We accept that once a month we will have a monthly visitor; we also accept that after we reach a certain age we will no longer have our menstrual cycles. We know that this change is called menopause and we accept it. Women are aware of the moodiness, and the hot flashes that accompany menopause but did you know that we do not have to suffer this fate?

Even though there is no avoiding menopause we will all experience it differently. Menopause is a time when the ovaries of the female reproductive system are no longer releasing an egg every month. This is why some women have irregular bleeding. This also makes it possible for women who are perimenopausal to become pregnant.  Also by slowing down the fertility process estrogen levels are decreasing. Why is this important? Estrogen is one of the most important hormones in a woman’s body, not just for reproduction purposes but also for bone health and hormonal balance.

An individual who suffers from joint pain before menopause is likely to feel more intense discomfort after menopause due to the lack of estrogen. It has also been noted that a woman who has emotional disorders earlier in life (such as bi-polar disorder, or depression) will find it harder to control such episodes. This is due to the amount of hormones being produced changing. Women who have already experienced this life change say it is very important to truly know yourself. With all these changes its no wonder that Caryn Louise Leschen, a freelance illustrator, copy write, and cartoonist describes it as “Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts to fall apart!”

You do have a choice! You can take control of that time in your life by utilizing many of the services Heather’s Holistic Health has to offer. For women of all ages we recommend supplements such as Adaptogen (adaptogenic and rejuvenation support), Fem Balance (support during the menstrual cycle and during menopause) and Estro Flavone (advance hormone support). All of these supplements are available at Heather’s Holistic Health and are beneficial to any woman regardless of her age.

There are many options available to you rather than suffer from irritability, lack of energy, memory fog, weight gain, and skin changes. We offer QRA testing (Quantum Reflex Analysis) which as a type testing that lets your body choose what it needs. You will meet one on one with one of are trained specialists who will go through extensive testing that concentrates on everything from bone health to thyroid health. Through the QRA testing you will also gain a better knowledge of how the body is wired together. Everyone is different and therefore needs different supplements to support it, the QRA is geared for you specifically so there is little guesswork involved and you can start feeling your best faster. You can visit our website to learn more about QRA testing or simple call.

While QRA testing is our most extensive test we offer, we also have what is called the Zyto test. This computerized test works in a similar way to a lie detector test. You place your hand on a detector that will send signals to your body. Based on the readings it gets back it will be able to deduce what your body is lacking. This creates a baseline so that we can begin to get your body on the right track!

Do not just sit back and wait for menopause to happen to you, take charge! Make changes and educate yourself today so that you can better enjoy your tomorrows. Call today and allow the trained staff at Heather’s Holistic Health to assist you in getting the best from yourself!

Supplements for Menopausal Support:  heathers_holistic_amj15_suppliments

  • Adaptagen
  • Ultra Pollen
  • Estro Flavone
  • HCL
  • Galactian
  • ThyroVen 
