The Women's Journal

Role Of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) In Alopecia

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By Ghazala Farooqui, M.D. Medical Director

Apollo Health & Wellness

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is a worldwide problem and can affect both genders. Typically, there are 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on a human scalp. Hairs are in different stages of lifecycle, with 90% of the hair in the Growth Cycle and 10% in the Rest Cycle. Each hair grows for 2-6 years & then enters into the resting cycle. From the batch of resting phase, we normally shed about 50-150 hair per day. Any loss of more than that would result in alopecia.

Balding Patterns: Hair loss can be patchy or uniform. Scarring alopecia usually starts from the crown and spreads around. Male pattern baldness has receding hairline & thinning on the crown while women get widening of the part in their hair.

Causes: Sometimes it is hard to identify the cause of hair loss. Genetic and environmental factors play a role. Some aspects to consider are hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, infection, direct damage to hair follicles with chemicals, and prescription drugs. 

Approach: Treatment approach is focused on treating the underlying cause and correcting nutritional deficiencies. Minoxidil and Propecia are FDA approved medications for alopecia. Minoxidil needs long term, twice a day application which people find challenging. Side effects are unusual & may include local irritation, unwanted hair on face, and variation in heart rate & blood pressure. Propecia is for men only. It is slow acting and mainly used to maintain existing hair and prevent further hair loss. Propecia comes with caveats of impotence or loss of libido, and out of pocket cost.

Platelet Rich Plasma: Platelet Rich Plasma is an innovative treatment in regenerative medicine. Its use in hair growth has shown promising results in certain types of hair loss conditions. No significant side effects have been reported in literature because PRP is derived from one’s own blood. PRP is directly injected into the scalp. The injection process itself takes less than 10 minutes. There is no downtime and patient can resume regular activities immediately after the procedure. A minimum of three treatments, six weeks apart are recommended. Hair growth may not be noticeable until after the third treatment. The growth factor and bioactive molecules in PRP enhance vascularization, and stimulate the hair follicle to stay in the growth phase. The result is proliferation of hair in the treated area along with an increase in hair thickness. Female pattern alopecia has 90% response rate even after one treatment if caught early.  

Our body has a remarkable natural tendency to heal on its own. PRP provides a healing ground to promote hair follicles growth. We follow Vampire Hair Restoration® protocol, which requires precise injection placement of PRP to get maximum benefits. If you suspect an accelerated hair loss, seek immediate attention. The longer you wait, the more likely it will become permanent, especially if it is due to scarring or hair follicle regression. At Apollo Health and Wellness, we incorporate Integrative Medicine modalities with your conventional medical care to treat alopecia. Natural supplements and lifestyle modification may be recommended as a part of a holistic approach to treat hair loss for long lasting beneficial results. 


 Dr. Ghazala Farooqui is the founder and Medical Director of Apollo Health and Wellness. At this practice, she offers Integrative and Aesthetic Medicine Services. She is an expert on Platelet-Rich Plasma based therapies and is the first physician in Delaware to offer Vampire Hair Restoration®, O-Shot®, P-Shot®, Vampire Facelift®, and Vampire Facial®. Dr. Farooqui is also a practicing Pulmonologist & Sleep Medicine Specialist for over a decade and is fellowship trained in Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona. Her office is located at 5509 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, DE 19808. Phone: 302-994-2273. Check out our services at Follow us for updates on Facebook and Instagram