The Women's Journal

Money-Saving Tips For A Limited Income

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By Frank Demarinis  


Seniors often face financial challenges, especially when living on a limited income. Managing expenses can be a daunting task, but with careful planning seniors can make the most of resources.

1. Budgeting

Start with a detailed budget. Analyze income and expenses to determine where to make adjustments. Prioritize essential expenses like housing, utilities, food, and healthcare. Allocate a set amount for entertainment and leisure activities while ensuring you stay within your means.

2. Cost-effective housing options

Consider downsizing or relocating to more affordable housing. Downsizing can help reduce monthly expenses by cutting down on utilities, maintenance, and property taxes. Research affordable housing programs, senior living communities, or rental assistance programs.

There is reduced tax for seniors in Delaware if at least 65 years old or permanently disabled, and have resided in Delaware for at least 10 consecutive years. Obtain the Senior Property Tax Relief Application form the Delaware Division of Revenue. You can find this form on their website or request a copy by mail.

3. Save on utilities

Energy-efficient improvements can significantly reduce bills. Simple changes such as switching to LED lighting, using programmable thermostats, and properly insulating your home can make a noticeable difference. Unplug electronics when not in use, and shop around for the best deals on cable, internet, and phone.

4. Shop smart

Plan grocery shopping carefully. Create a list to avoid impulsive purchases. Take advantage of sales, coupons, and discounts by local stores. Consider shopping at discount stores, buying in bulk, or purchasing generic brands. Avoid wastage by properly storing perishable items.

5. Transportation alternatives

Owning and maintaining a vehicle can add unnecessary expense. Explore public transportation options, carpooling, or ridesharing apps. If owning a vehicle is necessary, explore insurance options and consider downsizing to a more fuel-efficient and reliable car.

6. Access entitlement program

Many government entitlement programs offer financial assistance to seniors like Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and Medicare Savings Programs. 

7. Reduce healthcare cost

To minimize healthcare expenses, take advantage of preventive care services, health screenings, and vaccinations that are often covered by Medicare. Compare prescription drug prices and explore generic alternatives or prescription assistance programs. Consult with your healthcare provider to discuss cost-saving options.

8. Socialize on a budget

Maintaining an active social life is crucial for emotional well-being, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. Look for free or low-cost activities organized by community centers, libraries, and senior centers. Seek out senior discounts for dining, entertainment, and recreational activities. Consider joining clubs or groups with shared interests, which often offer low-cost or free activities.

Living on a limited income can be challenging, but seniors can adopt various measures to save money and maintain financial stability. By budgeting wisely, exploring cost-effective housing options, minimizing expenses, accessing entitlement programs, and making conscious choices, seniors can enhance their quality of life without straining their limited resources. Remember, every penny saved makes a difference in achieving financial peace and security.

Senior Advisors of Delaware, LLC non-profit program. Call us for a free consultation, Frank Demarinis at 800-564-0173.


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