The Women's Journal

Feeling Stuck? Five Steps to Get Moving!

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pip nc jas17 Liz Brown
Liz Brown, Be Well Life Coaching

If you have ever felt stuck, then you understand how frustrating, boring or even hopeless it feels. Much like a physical rut that forms slowly over time but eventually stops a wheel from moving, a mental rut also happens slowly and does not get our attention until it causes a problem. Often, it comes from taking the path of least resistance. Since this path is generally not intentional, it is not leading us anywhere which is why we feel directionless! Other times we might have been intentional but just hit a plateau and don’t know how to move forward. The good news is there are ways to find a new path forward and create a more fulfilling life.

How to Get Moving – 

1. Assessment First

The first step to getting unstuck is to assess where you are. There are many ways to do so but one simple way is to take a piece of paper and draw 8 columns. At the bottom, write the categories Work, Home Life, Health and Wellness, Relationships, Finances, Spirituality, Leisure and Fun, and Self Development. On the side of each column, write 0-10.  Rate where you are in each category from 0-10.

Once you rate each category, assess which one or two categories you want or need to change the most.

2. Awareness

Once you have assessed where you are, the next step is how you got here and what it would take to get moving. For example, if you are a “5” in the Work category, why are you a “5” and not a “4”? Or was there a time you were higher? What was happening then? The more awareness and data you have, the easier it is to change.

3. Action

Once you have an honest assessment and clear awareness, it is time for action. Rushing into action without awareness causes you to spin your wheels and have a hard time creating a successful plan.

Planning is critical to make any long-lasting change. A plan will answer:

  • What do I want to change?
  • What is my goal?
  • When do I want to achieve my goal?
  • How will I know when I achieve it?
  • Who will be my support team?
  • What obstacles might occur?
  • What are the action steps?
  • Once you answer these questions in writing, you can get started.

4. Accountability

Often, even after going through the first three steps, people give up. Accountability is critical to stay on track. Too often we give up when all that’s needed is encouragement and support. Consider professionals like a coach, or friends and family. The most important factor is that the person will follow up in a consistent and supportive way and encourage you to move forward. The downside to asking a family member is you might see their role as nagging!

5. Achievement

Achievement of your goal is the final step. It is important to acknowledge and, in some way, celebrate your progress before moving onto something else. Too often we forget this step, but it is very important. It is also important to use the lessons you learned throughout the steps to help you with future goa


Liz Brown PCC is a Professional Certified Life Coach and Owner of Be Well Life Coaching. She is one of 1000 coaches internationally with the National Board Certification in Health and Wellness Coaching. In addition, she holds national certifications in ADHD Coaching, Recovery Coaching for Teens and Adults and is a Certified Career Direct Coach. At Be Well, Liz helps clients turn their personal and professional dreams, goals and visions into reality.  


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