Delaware Hair Solutions has two locations to serve you.

Understanding Hair Loss
Millions of men and women suffer frustration and embarrassment over the traumatic problems of excessive hair loss. It’s estimated that over 50% of men, by the age of 35, and 40% of women by the age of 40 will have a degree of baldness. Studies have proven that individuals with hair loss look older than they are. Hair loss is a normal part of the aging process. But with the technology and science available today we all have several options available to us to fight hair loss.
Women can do very little to hide their problem. They are presumed to have health issues or, even worse, labeled as not caring about her appearance. She is embarrassed when she tries to go to the salon to get help. Too often, the stylist will tell her that there is nothing that he or she can do to help her.
For the men who can’t shave their head or wear a hat to work, they too face the same dilemma as the women. They are often overlooked for promotions for a younger looking counterpart. They’re reluctant to even try hair replacement because of all the bad results they’ve seen in the media and even on their friends or family members. They don’t explore other resources to see if they really is something revolutionary that can give them back the look they lost, from no fault of their own.
Major causes of Hair Loss
Androgenetic Alopecia – medical term for male/female pattern hair loss
Alopecia Areata – spots of hair loss ranging from a pea to an entire area on the head
Alopecia Totalis – total hair loss of the scalp
Alopecia Universalis – hair loss of the entire body
Traction Alopecia – excessive stress or tension on the hair causing hair loss in the areas
Tricitillamania – sensation by pulling the hair out at the follicle
Medical Conditions – high fever, extended use of antibiotics, surgery, pregnancy, thyroid, and of course, anti-cancer drugs
Delaware Hair Solutions provides the Following Options:
Low Level Laser Hair Therapy ( LLLHT)
Low Level Light Hair Therapy could be in a class by itself. Recently approved by the FDA to re-grow hair, LLLHT has taken hold in the market. In studies, 57% of individuals will re-grow hair, 85% will experience a halt in hair loss while 100% of users see a thickening of the hair shaft. Success is seen in those individuals who are in their first five years of hair loss.
Not surprisingly, many scientists and physicians have been using low level laser over the years to speed
up wound healing and produce new tissue.
Studies have shown laser increases circulation and oxygenation of the blood to the scalp and the hair bulb. Laser also removes calcification and other blockages around the hair bulb; as well as increases cell replacement.
Laser helps hair to improve in fullness, shine, body and elasticity; therefore problems such as over oily or dry scalp, as well as dandruff and itchiness can be reduced.
To appreciate how it works, you need to understand the basics of how hair grows and replaces itself in the natural cycle of growth and regrowth. Every hair on one’s head usually grows for several years and then falls out. The root then rests for a few weeks before starting to re-grow a new hair. This cycle continues throughout our lives. Unfortunately, as we age, some people replace fewer hairs that are shed resulting in thinner hair and gradually baldness occurs. You don’t go bald or thin out because your hair falls out– it’s meant to do so. You go bald or thin out because it doesn’t grow back! Laser used on a regular basis strengthens and regenerates the hair roots. This slows or arrests, and in some cases, reverses the degenerative cycle as previously described.
Once the hair root is dead, nothing can be done to restore them, so the sooner treatment is started, the better the results are.
Noticeable improvement is achieved in 4- 6 months. However, if you have heavy hair fall-out, you may notice a reduced rate of heavy hair fall-out after a few treatments.
Laser treatments are usually used in conjunction with topical treatments to further augment the effectiveness ofboth the laser and the products. Results vary from individual to individual.
Laser Hair Therapy is a non surgical therapeutic laser. It is the most powerful laser that is safe for cosmetic purposes and fully complies with FDA standards for safety. LLLTHT is ‘Cold-beam’ laser technology. The power level is so low that it is virtually a mere vibration, harmless, but effective.
Non Surgical hair replacement
Non-surgical hair replacement is the choice for more and more individuals because of the advances in technology and the natural look that’s now attainable. The options available with Virtual Reality have made the choice easier for many. The definition of hair replacement is any additional hair added to one’s existing hair or scalp to give the appearance of fuller, thicker hair. Compared to all other options, hair replacement and hair systems represent an affordable method with immediate results for solving hair loss. If a person is not happy with the results, it can be reversed completely without any risk or scars.
Today’s hair replacement has improved over the years. They no longer look like toupee or common wigs. The results are truly amazing in regards to creating a natural front hairline and a totally natural appearance. With today’s advanced technology, the systems are very light density and the base product is much thinner, like another layer of skin.
Attachment methods allow the wearer total freedom. They can participate in normal activities, such as working out and swimming with no detection. There is also no need to remove anything before going to bed.
Coverage can be just where the client needs the hair. Whether it’s just on the crown of the head or full head, the same natural look can be achieved.
I’ve studied all the options, attend continuing education, and visited numerous studios to give you honest answers to your hair loss issues no matter what the situation may be.