Chemicals You Don’t Think About: Water Facts Every Organic Consumer Should Know

More and more people are realizing that buying organic food just makes sense. The astounding amount of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals lingering in and on our food is wreaking untold havoc on our systems and long-term health. Yes, it costs a little more, but it’s a small price to pay for a longer, healthier life for ourselves and our children.
We are taking a stand for our food by buying organic. It’s the same philosophy we should be applying to our water. To take control of your water, it’s your personal responsibility to ensure it’s free from chlorine, chloramines, lead, and other contaminants.
To be sure, the water authority treats the water so that it doesn’t cause death and disease, but it is basically the equivalent or non-organic food. The water can be vastly improved without the chemicals in it. The only way to achieve this is by filtering your own water. A whole house water filter gives your entire home water free of chlorine, cholaramines, heavy metals, and more.
Just like purchasing organic foods, it costs a little more to filter your water. But did you know a whole house water filter will filter all your home’s water for less than $3.00 a week? That’s about 2-3 bottles of bottled water. And of course, no bottled water waste means it’s way better for the environment.
The Top 7 Reasons to Filter ALL Your Water in Your Home
• Prevent Cancer
According to Prevention Magazine, it’s the number one way to prevent cancer. “You’ll reduce your exposure to known or suspected carcinogens and hormone-disrupting chemicals. A new report from the President’s Cancer Panel on how to reduce exposure to carcinogens suggests that home-filtered tap water is a safer bet than bottled water, whose quality often is not higher — and in some cases is worse — than that of municipal sources, according to a study by the Environmental Working Group.”
• It’s the Stuff You Can’t See Most contaminants in your water are not visible. This photo here was taken after about 6 months of use on city water. Perhaps you assume that only well water has significant dirt and debris in it, but judging by this image, that’s not the case. This is just one filter out of the many we receive from customers with very similar or worse condition. Many even catch large pieces of debris – such as insects, worms, paper, rocks,
and more.
• We Do More With Water Than Drink It
Why do we encourage whole house filtration? Because we do more than just drink our water. We shower, bathe, brush our teeth, launder our clothes and more. Filtering all this water is your best bet for healthy water in your home – for all purposes. Even at 3am in the bathroom.
• Maintain Only One System
A whole house filtration system will eliminate the need for multiple filters such as shower filters or separate drinking water filters. However, some choose to opt for additional filtration of inorganic contaminants such as fluoride, which whole house water filters are not designed to remove.
• Better Tasting Water Encourages More Drinking Since most Americans are chronically dehydrated, it’s a good idea to drink enough water each and every day. Experts say we should drink half our body weight in ounces each day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces per day. Or at least strive to.
• Well Water Carries Even More Risks
Because well water is not regulated, you are responsible to ensure it is safe. Well water should be tested at least annually by a certified lab. This may cost several hundred dollars a year, but it’s worth knowing that there are no bacteria such as e-coli, coliform or other harmful bacteria in your water.
• Last But Not Least, Peace of Mind
If you don’t filter your water, then your body becomes the filter. Your liver, kidneys and colon will filter the water when it’s not filtered prior to consumption or being consumed.
Picking The Right Filter For You Is Easy
Because we’re an online business, we pride ourselves in cool tools used to educate you and help make your selection much easier. If you have city water, you can use our “water wizard” which helps you choose the right filter for your home. Use this shortened link to get there:
Maria Williams, The Clean Water Mom, serves over 18,000 customers nationally with whole house water filtration systems from Kennett Square, PA.
“You Have a Great Product and We’re So Glad We Purchased It.”
I wanted to let you know that we are loving our whole house water filter. Our water tastes wonderful! There’s no more running to the little filter at the kitchen sink, which always seemed to need replacing, and which worked poorly after a while anyway. Also, we can shower without the awful smell and skin-irritating problems of our heavily-chlorinated city water. ~ Ann Low, Georgia • 610-268-5420 • 888-491-4100