The Women's Journal

Brain Balance Centers Change The Lives Of Children With Learning Disabilities Without Drugs!

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The Brain Balance measures and improves a child’s brain and body function in numerous dimensions. To gain a full understanding of the child, they first conduct a comprehensive assessment of all areas of their brain and body function. Then, by integrating physical and cognitive exercises along with dietary modifications, they are able to correct the underlying imbalance, improve function and reduce/eliminate negative behaviors.

Brain Balance Centers, a non-medical program, changes the lives of children with learning disabilities without the use of drugs. Brain Balance Achievement Centers were founded by Dr. Robert Melillo and William Fowler. This is a brain-based, not drug-based program, subscribing to the theory that the brain can be changed. The Centers test, analyze and design a program specific to a child’s needs and then implement the program without the use of drugs. The program concentrates on cognitive, social, sensory, and motor skills and nutritional health.

Debbie’s son, Joshua, graduated this past May. Joshua was 4, but was acting like a 2 to 3 year old. He was not socializing or engaging, and he barely spoke. At age 3, he was diagnosed as part of the Autism Spectrum: After Brain Balance, he was re-evaluated by a doctor with no affiliation to the Center and the diagnosis was changed to not being on the spectrum at all.

Debbie says, “After the Brain Balance experience, his brain is more centered, and he is able to grasp certain tasks better. He is acting like a normal 4 year old. He was stuck at 2 and didn’t really play with toys or read his books much and now he is. He knows what is going on and tells me what he wants and needs. Before Brain Balance, we didn’t know if things were even registering with him half the time.” Debbie went on to say, “He now has the world open to him and he is soaking it all in. Brain Balance gave me a great gift: They gave me my child back.”

Joe and Megan’s son, Jimmy, started Brain Balance after struggling in school. He would often bring home test grades of 0/10 or 1/10. He struggled with both math and reading and would say things like: “I hate myself.” or “I’m too stupid to learn how to read.”

Joe said, “Within about six weeks of attending the program, we saw a marked improvement and his teachers also remarked that he seemed to be maturing and was more focused. His grades began to improve significantly. And as the weeks progressed, we were happy to bring to the center a 100% that Jimmy had earned on a spelling test. We are confident that his time spent there will keep him moving in the right direction for years to come. We would highly recommend the program to other families whose children might
be experiencing similar issues.”

In a recent feasibility study, among children diagnosed with ADHD, over 80% no longer met diagnostic criteria; this result was achieved after only 12 weeks of the Brain Balance Program. The average child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder improved 2-4 years in areas of developmental delay while enrolled in the program.

To learn more about Brain Balance Centers or to schedule a comprehensive assessment, please visit their website:


