The Women's Journal

Aging In Place – What Does It Mean?

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By Kristin Stetler Donovan, Owner

Aging In Place Senior Care Service

The term “Aging in Place” gets thrown around frequently these days. It’s a relatively simple term, but it means different things to different people. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines aging in place as: “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.” Simply put, staying in your own home as you get older is called “aging in place.” Many older adults and their families have concerns about safety, getting around, or other daily activities. Living at home as you age requires careful consideration and planning. Aging in place views aging as a normal part of human growth. It allows aging at home and aging in a familiar habitat. The aging process should allow for a natural evolvement for older adults in settings they live in. The number of seniors choosing to age at home (or age in place) is rising. According to AARP, 90% of older adults wish to age in place. Also, in a recent survey of 1000 respondents aged 55 or older, 89% of respondents said they wished to age in place in their own homes as opposed to seeking out more traditional senior living arrangements outside the home. It may seem cliché but even Dorothy in the Wizard Of Oz stated, “There’s no place like home.”

You may ask yourself, is aging in place better? For many people, maintaining a sense of independence is essential, as it enables older adults to improve their quality of life. Aging in place allows older adults to retain a high level of control over their lives, as they can continue to live in familiar spaces. Many older adults turn to their family and friends for help when needed.

Unfortunately, there are barriers when choosing to age in place. Transportation often becomes the most common issue. A lack of a reliable transportation source makes it challenging for seniors to access nutritious food, medical care, social services, community support and more. Although there are obstacles there are also benefits, including: 

  • Safer, better-quality care: Having access to an in-home caregiving agency that provides one on one assistance with activities of daily living as well as companionship.
  • More independence and comfort: Aging in place respects the individual’s wishes and helps them feel validated, respected, and heard. Most importantly, there is no stress from being forced from your family home. 
  • Stronger Connections: Aging in place helps seniors stay in touch with their communities and loved ones, reducing the risk of isolation and loneliness.
  • Lower long term care expenses: In home care, while costly, is still more cost effective than living in a community or nursing care. 

If you or a loved one are planning for the future, it is so important to know that there are many resources available to you. There are organizations that specifically work with older adults to clean out and purge as well as make home modifications for a safer living environment. In terms of those barriers to aging in place, there are in home senior care providers such as Aging in Place Senior Care Services that are ready and able to assist you with personal care, companion care, transportation, and home routines on a daily basis. If you want to discuss our services and how they may benefit you or a loved one, we would be happy to talk with you. Please call 302-722-8240 if you have any questions or feel that you or a loved one may benefit from our services. You can also visit us on the web at

(302) 722-8240

[email protected]

5586 Kirkwood Highway

Wilmington, DE 19808

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