The Women's Journal

Finding The Right Fit

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palc Heidi Gough jfm16By Dr. Heidi Gough

Director of Marketing and Communications

PA Leadership Charter School

Traditional school just wasn’t working any more for my son, he was coming home every day upset, and then we would battle every morning before leaving for the bus. It was so stressful for the two of us. My son needed a little more attention in school because he gets distracted easily, but his teacher had so many students to handle and it was a “wild class” to start with. I understood it was hard to keep track of all the kids, I honestly don’t know how she did it. My son was getting lost in the system, average grade kid with potential to do more, but he needed some extra attention. He had to miss some time at school for doctor’s appointments and it was hard for him to catch up. We needed to find something different for him, he needed more from his school.

We started looking at other school options. Private school just isn’t in our budget, we can’t afford to move, so we looked into this cyber school thing.

Cyber schools are public schools; I didn’t know that. No private school tuition fees, this sounds good to me already. Cyber schools offer flexible schedules and online classes, which would certainly help with my son’s busy schedule and doctors’ appointments. Hmm, this all sounded good but can they work with my son’s unique learning style? He just doesn’t learn the same way other kids do. He is a smart boy, but gets distracted so easily. He acted like the class clown, and got sent out of the classroom for distracting everyone else with his antics, this was my main concern, can cyber school support him correctly?

Yes, yes they can. They will work with us as a family, we can talk about my son’s needs, his learning style and pace. We can connect much closer with his teachers and it’s a public school. Time to make the jump!

We enrolled in PA Leadership Charter School, an online public school. My son is much happier now, he wants to learn and he is excited to be a part of the online classes. He loves his teachers and peers, and we have no early morning fights to get on the bus! This was the best decision I ever made! The cyber school environment is working for my son. He has made major improvements in all of his subjects and can still be the class clown at home but he doesn’t miss any educational time!

My son is unique; his education should be too. To learn more about what PA Leadership Charter School (PALCS) can do for you and your family visit today. Or schedule a personal information session by calling 1877.725.2785. PALCS Makes It Possible.


My daughter Jaslyn went to school here and it was instrumental in her going forward to higher education. This was the best school for her.   – Keith B.

I am a PALCS alumni and I enjoyed my experience. I think they have a great curriculum and they teach you the appropriate skills required for college. The staff is amazing and the work is manageable. I am currently a student at The Pennsylvania State University and I will be receiving my BA in psychology this May. I will also be applying to a graduate clinical psychology program this coming year! PALCS prepared me for my academic journey, and I will forever be grateful for choosing their program!   – Jenn S.

My son is a 2017 graduate. I dont believe that would have happen without Palcs. I loved being able to see his progress daily and the teachers and staff were always so helpful.   – Crystal S.