The Women's Journal

7 Lessons From My TEDx Talk

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By Angela Jo Manieri, Presentation Stylist, Transformational Speaker, Enter-trainer and Author

Have you ever prepared for something so well that you actually saw it play out in your mind ahead of time? I totally abide by the principle “Begin with the end in mind,” as I have seen it manifested over and over again.  

However, sometimes it’s also important to imagine the “what ifs” of it not playing out exactly as you had imagined? For me, this is what happened as I gave my first TEDx talk.  

After rehearsing for 50 hours plus, I was confident in my ability to deliver a powerful message. Plus, in coaching numerous others to give their talks, I knew what it takes to prepare effectively.   

As I reflected on my talk, I had so many great learning opportunities; actually, a treasure box of lessons. I am humbled to share some of them, in hopes of lending you confidence, as you prepare for your next major presentation.

1. Stay out of your head

If there is a reaction that you expect to get from the audience, like a chuckle or a gasp, and it doesn’t happen, stay in the flow.  The important thing to remember is to keep your head and heart connected, to deliver with impact.

2. Pauses are powerful 

It seems as though moments of silence may be uncomfortable; however, they are purposeful. Not only does it give the audience time to process an important point, it also gives you a moment to breathe and be in the moment with them.

3. Follow your heart

When you are rehearsing, and certain areas trip you up or may not flow like you want them to, listen to that. It’s your intuition saying that you may need to take it out or say it in a different way.  

4. Be YOU! 

As my life mantra goes, “Being perfect is not real, being real is perfect.” Yes, rehearsing and memorizing is key, yet allowing your WHY, your story, your idea worth sharing, to come through from your heart, is the wow factor you want to achieve.  

5. Less is more

The more you can cut out the better. Refining your message with less points and filler is so effective. If you think you have cut it back as much as you possibly can, look again, and keep refining until it flows freely.

6. Get back on track

If there are moments where you totally draw a blank, or feel like you just swallowed a large bag of cotton balls, pause, take a breath, and remember…you’ve got this! You know it, and if you cannot remember the exact words, oh well. You know the heart of your message, so draw from that emotion and keep going.

7. Never, ever give up! 

Remember, you’ve gotten this far and you are on the red carpet. You have accomplished something great and it’s time to stand in your power. Even if you mess up, that’s what editing is for. And you probably did better than you think you did, as we are our own worst critics.

When it’s your time to be on stage, or give a talk or share anything of influence, remember that you are the expert on what you are sharing. Allow your passion, your beliefs, your WHY to shine through. When those things are aligned, the end results will be beyond your expectations. 



“When I first met with Angela Jo as I was preparing for my TEDx talk, I was really anxious about the whole process. From writing my talk to delivering an intriguing message.  

The first day I worked with Angela Jo, we were continuously going over my talk. I remember her saying, “Don’t be afraid, Stand in Your Power, Remember your Why, and Just Go for it!” These words helped me find the true meaning behind my TEDx talk and allowed me to express who I am.  

Angela Jo built my confidence and encouraged me to give everything I could when giving my talk in front of more than 200 people. I will never forget everything Angela Jo has taught me!” 

~ Alondra Posada, Speaker,


Angela Jo Manieri is the CEO & Founder of I AM Center Stage. Her passion is helping individuals and groups prepare for their presentations and become transformational and dynamic speakers. She also provides “Impression Management”™  workshops for corporations, schools and universities, individual and group consulting, and keynote presentations.   

Angela Jo Manieri

302.588.1142        [email protected]

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