Why Do Amazing Images Matter?
By Shannon Adelson, Adelson Media, Inc.
Hiring a professional photographer isn’t considered a necessity, but a luxury. However, even in our digital age when some people feel cell phone snaps are good enough, many people are calling on professional photographers to capture meaningful portraits. When was the last time you went to someone’s house and saw a flash drive displayed on the wall? If that made you think for a second, great, now ask yourself “how are our family memories preserved?”
One of my colleagues recently wrote about how superstorm Sandy devastated Long Island and many other parts of the Northeast. He shared his personal story about how it affected his friends and family. When the evacuation order came, he quickly grabbed the most precious family heirlooms, and started packing up the car. Standing in front of his home he witnessed that throughout his neighborhood families were carrying wedding albums, picture frames, and other priceless memories as they headed for safety. If you were faced with such a traumatic event, what would you take with you?
Despite living in a digital age, printed images are just as relevant today as they were 100 years ago. If you are like me, and from an older generation that remembers sitting around the dinner table learning about family history, those framed pictures and photo albums represent a tangible connection to the memories and emotions of a time that has long since passed.
I hope those of you reading this never have to face an emergency and decide what you can or can’t take with you like those people had to do in the face of superstorm Sandy. Life is hectic, time moves so quickly and preserving memories sometimes get pushed to the side until it’s too late. Take time to capture some new images and update that portrait hanging above the fireplace. Perhaps this article might serve as a reminder: Things we consider a luxury, are more of a necessity when we take a moment to reflect on what is really important to us.

Photo by Shannon Adelson © 2016 Adelson Media, Inc. www.ShannonAdelson.com
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In your personalized portrait session you’ll be prepped and pampered by some of the region’s most popular hair stylists and makeup artists. We’ll collaborate with you to create a package that perfectly suits you. Let’s chat, and see if my style is a match for your taste.
Photography by Shannon Adelson
Beauty & Glamour Portraiture
(484) 748-0166