L.O.V.E. Your Pilates Body!

By Nancy Hawkins Rigg,
Even though there’s a chill in the air and winter makes you want to bundle up, you can still L.O.V.E. your Pilates body.
Pilates is a very popular exercise method that is a “way of life;” an approach to mind-body conditioning that weaves its way into every single thing we do. Once our bodies really “get” Pilates, we see improvements in our posture, athletic performance, overall strength, endurance and muscle tone. We experience a reduction in the normal aches and pains of life and we move differently to develop a new relationship with our body. Because there is much more emphasis on prevention today, people are wanting to be more aware of how their body works. Pilates creates that environment of knowledge and awareness. People aren’t as quick to start pain medications, or worse, jump into surgery. They want a healthier lifestyle longer and a better quality of life.
Pilates answers a lot of questions. People will understand how their body works and how to prevent injuries, thus incorporating strength and balance into their days. The practice takes away tension and makes you a nicer person. You can put Pilates’ basic principles into cooking dinner, cleaning, or making a bed . . . it is a part of you. And anybody who can get a better golf swing is going to do anything for it!
Longevity –
In 2000, there were 1.7 million people practicing Pilates; today that number exceeds 9 million. People are turning to the method for its therapeutic benefits, not just fitness. They are getting real results. Whether dealing with back pains, torn ligaments, carpal tunnel, joint problems, scoliosis, MS, or cancer recovery, many people have been helped by Pilates.
Optimal Fitness –
Pilates develops a different kind of strength. You strengthen from the inside out. Internal power drives external movement. The exercises are designed to encourage proper alignment to strengthen and heal weak and injured areas. Looking at the whole body is important when we work with a client to create symmetry. Stretching tight and overused muscles is crucial when working to achieve that “balance” in the body.
Vitality –
Looking and feeling your best is part of anyone’s daily desire. Pilates changes a person’s perceptions about their body. Our clients are encouraged by the improvements they see as they gain awareness of their bodies. This is especially true when dealing with injuries. The shift in mindset seems to help in the recovery process and gives confidence to continue forward with less pain. The more people can understand the complexities of their body, the more they can take steps to gain control of that body.
Energy –
With increased circulation, oxygenation, and blood flow, energy will increase. This produces “feel good” hormones in the body which in turn gives a sense of peace, yet invigoration. The body is dynamic (ever changing). It’s how we use our bodies that determines our energy levels. Proper diet, sleep, and exercise are key. Pilates’ use of body, mind and spirit sets you up for success not only in your session, but for your life!
At Forever Fit, we put a strong emphasis on looking at the person and adapting the method to that particular body type – not just going through a series of exercises. We have contemporized our approach so that we can work with professional golfers, hockey players, teachers, nurses and doctors and be right on top of what is current in the industry with performance enhancement. We reinforce good posture and alignment by teaching you to strengthen areas in the body with exercises that move your body in healthier ways. Through our sessions, we empower you to understand yourself and your body!
Make your appointment today to let us show you our L.O.V.E.!!
Nancy Hawkins Rigg is the Founder and Owner of Forever Fit Foundation, a personal training business specializing in Pilates, Gyrotonic, Gyrokinesis, Yamuna Body Rolling and sport specific training. Forever Fit Foundation accepts clients at three sites: Dover and Rehoboth, Del., and Mendenhall Station, Pa., just over the Delaware line. A certified athletic trainer, she earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware and her master’s degree in exercise science and sports medicine from Miami University in Ohio. Please call (302) 423-1816 or (302) 698-5201 to schedule an appointment or for more information.