The Women's Journal

Key Items To Consider When Choosing An Orthodontist

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By Lori Ewald & Kristy Osborn, Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce

Our businesses are all amazing for the services they offer and provide; but, some of our businesses are really good at providing services AND giving you that warm feeling that you belong there. Orthodontics on Silver Lake is one of those businesses. What an amazing place and an amazing team.

We fell in love with Orthodontics on Silver Lake as soon as we drove up to the building and want to share our love story with you. So, what will make you fall in love with Dr. Stephanie Steckel and her team?

1. They have the absolute best location in Dover for an orthodontist office. Situated on Silver Lake they have a perfect view and oh, don’t let me forget they have a pool at the office. They often have pool parties with patients and their families or sometimes parents can sit by the pool as they wait for their child’s appointment to be completed. Been in business since in 1995, they opened their current location in 2000.

2. Dr. Steckel’s credentials are some of the most impressive, so you know you are in good hands. She graduated in the top 10% from UCLA during the year they were named the best dental school in the nation. She also became board certified when the requirements were a little more labor intensive and actually had to present 10 cases.

3. Dr. Steckel also practiced general dentistry for 5 years and then moved onto orthodontics. This experience allows her to understand that smiles aren’t just about straight teeth. Sometimes gum sculpting and other procedures are necessary to perfect that smile and Dr. Steckel is trained in those procedures.

4. Their staff is super friendly and welcoming and as soon as you enter the office you feel the staff is a family and you belong there. One of their big brags is everyone is x-ray tested and licensed.

5. They focus on positive motivation and recognition of their patients. They have a prize wheel in the office that new patients and patients with 3 good reports get to spin for prizes.

6. Dr. Steckel and Steve Artz are very community minded. They have been members of the Chamber for many years and Steve Artz was actually our first Honorary Mayor! They are generous with their charitable giving and work with schools to distribute Brush & Floss Bags.

7. They also work to develop strong relationships with the local schools and students. They are proud and excited to have the first two seniors who are able to co-op from Polytech join their team.

I would have to say #Businessbrags are one of our favorite things about our job and I know we say this about every brag, but this was one of our favorites. We walked away totally loving this practice and the people in it. If I could sum up this visit it would be with the following words: qualified, fun, caring, positive, and just plain awesome.

For more information about Dr. Steckel and Steve Artz and Orthodontics on Silver Lake visit

Call us today at 302-672-7776 or go to patients- Appearance concerns? Ask Dr. Steckel about combining Phases of treatment to save time and money .


OSL_Stephanie_kent_fm16Dr. Stephanie Steckel is a diplomat of the American Board of Orthodontics, and started her Dover orthodontic practice in 1995. She is a graduate of UCLA School of Dentistry, and she completed her postdoctoral specialty education at the Georgia Health Sciences University in Augusta, Georgia. At Orthodontics on Silver Lake (OSL) in Dover, she and her OSL team provide excellent orthodontic experiences and results for her patients. The science behind orthodontic treatment continues to evolve, in many cases resulting in greater comfort and predictability for our patients. Dr. Steckel’s experience as a general dentist prior to specializing means more coordinated care with your family dentist. Our OSL team is also proud to support the local community in numerous educational, sports and volunteer activities.
