Health & Medicine
- admin | October 1, 2016
Your One Stop For A More Beautiful You…
By Dr. Gary Wingate & Dr. Paul Kim Allure MediSpa located in Paoli, Pennsylvania is the first state-of-the-art...
- admin | October 1, 2016
3D Mammography: A New Tool In The Fight Against Breast Cancer
By Erev Tubb, MD 3D mammography will directly influence our ability to detect and treat cancer early, when...
- admin | October 1, 2016
Is Willpower All In Your Mind?
By Cathy McDougall At some point in our lives, every one of us has likely used “I...
- admin | October 1, 2016
SmartLipo,™ The Quick & Permanent Solution To Fat Removal
By Nadiv Shapira, MD FACS, FACPh Patients often say to me, “No matter how much I exercise or...
- admin | October 1, 2016
The Power Of Massage, The Energy Of Healing
By Lisa Torbert, MS, CADC, Owner, QRA Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, Author, Nutritional Healing RELAXES muscles and can correct...
- admin | October 1, 2016
“Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep”
By Cindy Nigro Ph.D. Insomnia is becoming an epidemic in our society. As with everything, there are...
- admin | October 1, 2016
First Impressions Last
By Dr. Stephanie Steckel Our appearance and smile often speaks before we do. Does your smile reflect...
- admin | October 1, 2016
Sleep: A Medical Necessity
By Dr. Paul Imber, MD We spend a third of our lives sleeping, and the quality of our...
- admin | October 1, 2016
Sugar, Not So Sweet After All!
By Dr. Cynthia Crosser Most Americans are aware of the diabetes epidemic in America that is...
- admin | October 1, 2016
Hear Well For The Holidays
By Catherine M Marino, Au.D. Holiday activities such as family gatherings, dinners, religious services, and phone...
- admin | October 1, 2016
What Is Aging In Place?
Aging in place is a term used to describe a person living in the residence of their...
- admin | October 1, 2016
What Is A Urogynecologist & When Should I Seek Help From One?
You may have heard of urologists, doctors who treat disorders of the urinary tract or gynecologists, doctors who...
- admin | July 1, 2016
Heal Your Injuries Without Surgery
By Dr. Brian Shiple Do you have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning due to stiffness...
- admin | July 1, 2016
Detoxify This Summer
By Lisa Torbert, MS, CADC, Owner, QRA Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, Author, Nutritional Healing Here at Heather’s Holistic, our...
- admin | July 1, 2016
Childhood Congenital Myopathies
Do You Know What It Is? By Aaron Chidekel, MD We all take movement for granted: walking from...