The Women's Journal

Why Plan Ahead In The “Golden” Years?

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By Frank DeMarinis, Certified Senior Advisor


Last issue we submitted the “WHY” we do what we do. This issue we’d like to focus on the “WHAT” via a few case studies to illustrate the importance and role of a power of attorney and healthcare proxy service. 

Jim’s story

“Jim” a long-term security officer at a local hospital fell in love with a nurse at work and agreed to retire to her hometown in the Islands to maximize their retirement income. When he began to lose his faculties, she purchased him a one-way plane ticket back to Philadelphia with the clothes on his back and $1000 dollars. He ended up in a homeless shelter at 86 years old in Wilmington. She continued to collect his Social Security offshore. It took several hundred focus hours to recreate his identity and secure back his income to eventually qualify for Medicaid and an appropriate senior living residence. Thankfully our agency was listed as his secondary proxy/POA, and we were able to assist after a pro bono legal petition to file for elder abuse and abandonment. The only reason we were contacted was he still had a dog-eared emergency card in his wallet indicating our contact information. 

Jane’s story

“Jane” was a hoarder and a recluse at 89 years of age. She was estranged from family and friends. For several years we simply held her hand, made wellness visits and assisted in basic management of her daily needs doing the best to keep her safe and cared for. After seriously being hurt in the home due to clutter and disrepair of her staircase she was hospitalized. With no safe discharge plan or known family contacts, a petition was initiated for guardianship to make her a ward of the State. Thankfully she was on our emergency proxy service, and we received a notification from the Hospital via the Emergency Notification Service (ENS). We acted quickly to liquidate the home and assist in placement in a group home that she was agreeable with and now she continues to thrive in her 90s.

Marsha’s story

“John” one of our longest standing clients was only in his 70s when he reached out to our agency for emergency contact service. He was concerned about his wife whom he cared for with dementia. There were no friends or family equipped or able to step in should something happen to him. We kept in touch 2-4 times a year with no active service needs. When he passed suddenly of a stroke the Department of Aging was involved and his wife was committed to mental health institution due to the anxiety and behaviors exhibited after her husband’s passing. We had several years of rapport with “Marsha” and were able to stop her unfortunate long-term placement and were able to bring her back home with home care services. Her mental health improved being back home. She lived several years prior to requiring hospice and passing according to their wishes. We scattered her ashes at the beach where she and her husband loved per his requests. 

Sad and unfortunate stories, yes – but these are the challenges which have blessed us with positive outcomes due to one connecting factor – they planned ahead. Yes, of course we fund our business through traditional estate planning, Medicaid, Senior Advisement, Downsizing and Senior Placement, but the efforts and outcomes we make through our Non-Profit Program are what continues to personally drive us forward in our vocation.

Our advice and consultation are always free of cost. We appreciate offering what resources and guidance we can. Call us for a free consultation, Frank Demarinis at 800-564-0173.

Remember . . .

 “Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” ~ DDE

Jerry – If you’re reading this, your cat lived his remaining best life with us in front of a warm fireplace. This issue is dedicated to you . . .

Frank DeMarinis, Certified Senior Advisor 


[email protected] 
