The Women's Journal

Gratitude Can Lead to Great Transitions

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wip_amj14_J_ThymeBy Jenn Adams


In a world filled with all kinds of labels, one can easily become overwhelmed. Should I eat organic? What is the difference between organically grown, natural and certified organic? Should I be vegan, vegetarian, or is it ok to just have an awareness of where my food is coming from? Why is factory farm meat not so good? Why is it good to support local farmers? Will I get out of work soon enough to catch that yoga class? We quickly can go on a mind spinning journey. Now take a step back and take a deep breath. Gratitude may be one of the healthiest practices in your life.

Research has shown experiencing gratitude increases the positive mental and emotional state. It has also shown people who have gratitude tend to draw more success towards them. If you Google “gratitude”, the definition states ‘the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness’. Physically, gratitude raises our happy endorphins creating a stronger immune system, lowers blood pressure, and creates better sleep.

The café has made my mom and I have such an amazing appreciation for gratitude. We are grateful each week for the bonds we have formed with our local farmers. Our customers have been so supportive and enlightened our lives. We are grateful for this amazing opportunity we stumbled across and this wonderful community embracing us. We express gratitude as most people who leave our doors express their gratitude towards us.

Our calendar in our café had a quote this month by author Henry Miller, “One’s destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things.” The café has taught us to see a new world, a place where there are so many possibilities, much love, and many compassionate people.  We are eternally grateful for everyone’s support since we opened in 2009. It has now become time for us to move forward in our journey.  We are excited to pass the torch forward to a couple of our wonderful customers, Alex Sianni and Gretchen Brizendine. As our door closes, they will open De La Coeur Café (baking from the heart) in our space.  They will maintain our high standards of supporting local farmers and offering food made with love. We ask that you extend the same gratitude to them as you have to us. Thanks for enlightening our lives!

Jenn Adams, owner of Fresh Thymes Café, is originally from Illinois and grew up in a farming family.  She understands the importance of supporting local farms.  Her mission is to educate and provide quality local and organic food for the community.

Fresh Thymes, a quaint cafe nestled near Trolley Square, Wilmington, DE provides a local, organic, & seasonal food experience. We also provide gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, and omnivore options.  We look forward to meeting you soon! More information can be found

Publisher’s Testimonial:

If you have not tried this wonderful café then you are truly missing a unique, wonderful food experience.  The food is extremely fresh, and it is wonderfully prepared.  I love the quaint atmosphere as well.  Bring your friends and enjoy a wonderful meal.
